Proposed Development of Woolworths Supermarket and 58 Apartments – 173 Burke Road Glen Iris


In 2021, Woolworths and Time and Place (Residential Developers of the Apartments) submitted plans for a full-sized supermarket and 80 residential apartments above the supermarket. Stonnington Council rejected the plans outright and Woolworths submitted plans to VCAT. The outcome of the lengthy VCAT hearing was that the development was rejected on multiple grounds and Woolworths decided not to appeal these findings.

In 2023 the State Government implemented a new program called Development Facilitation Program (DFP) whereby a development which provided 10% affordable housing could bypass council and VCAT and go straight to the Minister of Planning for approval.

It is very important for as many people as possible to forward an objection to the Department of Planning and to copy the Minister of Planning. In addition to submitting your own objection, we encourage you to talk to your neighbours about this inappropriate development and encourage them to also submit an objection. Volume of written objections is the one most significant impact we can make to the Department of Traffic and Planning and the Minister of Planning in their evaluation.

The plans and documents associated with the application are provided on the Department of Transport and Planning website here PA2402980 ( Most relevant for Glen Iris Medical Group is the Traffic Engineering Assessment – 173 Burke Road.

There are many serious planning concerns about this application. To submit an objection, there is no set format, but to assist you, we have prepared a summary of Key Objections to this development application:

  1. Access to our car park will be severely restricted because of the heavy traffic in Hope Street with this development and this will pose great difficulties for our elderly, disabled and young families.
  2. There will be loss of on street parking on Burke Road and Hope Street of more than 24 car parks.
  3. Great risk for pedestrians walking along the footpath on their way to the pharmacy with many 12 metre trucks entering/exiting and as well as cars – all vehicles must cross the unsupervised footpaths.
  4. Increased traffic and congestion in Burke Road and Hope Street.
  5. With the increase in congestion this will be difficult for emergency vehicles to navigate.
  6. Great impact on Hope Street residents with already limited parking and access.
  7. Increased difficulty in exiting into Burke Road from Dorrington Avenue, Hope Street, Davies Street because of heavy traffic flow.
  8. Severe disruption to the traffic flow along Burke Road with the introduction of pedestrian/car activated traffic lights at the Hope Street intersection with Burke Road.

We have tried to include as many relevant planning issues as possible but our sample objection is not exhaustive. There may be some other issues that we have not covered but are important to you. So please include these in your own objection.

Please note that you must submit your Objection on or before Friday 30 August at 5pm.

You must include your name and address.

Please e-mail your Objection to the Department of Planning & Transport and copy the Minister of Planning


Thank you for your support,

From the team at Glen Iris Medical Group


Application number: PA2402980

Type: Application for planning permit

Applicant name: Glen Iris Devco Pty Ltd

Address of Land:

173 Burke Road Glen Iris VIC 3146

28 Hope Street Glen Iris VIC 3146

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