Care Plans & Health Assessments

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Chronic Disease Management

Our goal is to provide preventative healthcare and promote quality of life by helping patients manage their chronic disease through GP Management Plans and Team Care Arrangements, commonly know as Care Plans.

General Practice Management Plan (GPMP)

A GPMP is a specially formulated document that is used for patients with one of more chronic illness eg. cancer, osteoporosis, diabetes, chronic pain, Autism. The plan is devised at an appointment with the Practice Nurse and followed up with your Doctor. It provides an organised approach to care, identifying your health and care needs, services to be provided to you and lists actions you can take to help manage your chronic condition. It is a Government funded initiative and is a fantastic tool to keep yourself healthy.

Team Care Arrangements (TCA)

A TCA is different in that it must include specialists and allied health in your plan in relation to care for your chronic illness. This is also a Government funded initiative and a specially formulated document. This comes with what is known as an Enhanced Primary Care (EPC) document, which allows people with chronic illness to access 5 Medicare-rebated allied health services to assist with the management of their condition.

A GPMP and TCA are conducted together in one thorough document and throughout the year there are compulsory review appointments.

Talk to your Doctor or one of our Practice Nurses to find out if you are eligible.

45 to 49 year old Health Assessment

This is a one-off assessment, the goal of which is to identify a person’s risk of developing a chronic medical condition and assist patients with implementing changes to their lifestyle in order to decrease their risk.

The assessment consists of a 30 minute appointment with one of our Practice Nurses followed by a 30 minute appointment with your usual Doctor, where we look at your past medical history, family medical history and complete a risk assessment for certain medical conditions. You will be given referrals if needed and education about a healthy lifestyle. 

Over 75 year old Health Assessment

This is an annual assessment of your health, including your physical, psychological and social function. You will spend 45 minutes with the Practice Nurse followed by 30 minutes with your Doctor. This assessment provides a structured way of identifying health issues or conditions that are potentially preventable or amenable to interventions in order to improve your health and/or your quality of life.

Care Plans and Health Assessments can be booked via Reception.