A year of walking for happy hearts

A year of walking for happy hearts

The Central Walk & Talk walking group will wear their hearts on their sleeve when they celebrate their first anniversary as a Heart Foundation Walking Group on Monday 16 June.

The Monday walk will also celebrate the first additional week day walk for the group, which started walking weekly on Thursdays a year ago.

‘The group was enjoying their walks so much they wanted to add another walking opportunity.  ‘We would love other locals to join us’, said Local Coordinator Fiona Shvemer. ‘The walkers have become great friends, and often enjoy a cup of coffee at one of the many excellent local coffee shops afterwards’.

As a practice nurse at Glen Iris Medical Group, Fiona initially started the group as a service to the patients of the clinic as well as the community.

More than 22,000 Australians are now hitting the pavement and taking steps towards better heart health, as part of the free Heart Foundation Walking program.

Heart Foundation CEO Mary Barry said being active for at least 30 minutes a day was important for helping to prevent heart disease.

“Since the program began participants have completed a staggering 3 million registered walks and now have more than 1400 walking groups across the country.”

Join or start a Heart Foundation Walking group today by calling 1300 36 27 87 or visiting www.heartfoundation.org.au/walking.

Heart Foundation Walking is funded nationally by the Medibank Community Fund and the ACT Government through ACT Health.

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