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The Question of prostate screening

Glen Iris Medical Group

Written by: Dr Bensky


Ever since becoming a GP, the issue of prostate cancer screening has been an area of significant frustration for me. On the surface it does not seem so complicated – have a blood test (more about that later) and a rectal exam and we’re done. Unfortunately, until now, at least in my professional lifetime, there has not been agreement by the peak bodies in Australia regarding how to manage screening of the disease.

Glen Iris Medical Group now has online appointments available.

Glen Iris Medical Group

Register on line and download the Free App to your phone or iPad. You can choose the appointment that best suits you.

Currently we are not able to offer this service to New Patients or current patients requiring a longer appointment, however we expect longer appointments to be available in the not too distant future.

A year of walking for happy hearts

Glen Iris Medical Group

The Central Walk & Talk walking group will wear their hearts on their sleeve when they celebrate their first anniversary as a Heart Foundation Walking Group on Monday 16 June.

The Monday walk will also celebrate the first additional week day walk for the group, which started walking weekly on Thursdays a year ago.

Coordinated communication optimising patient care

Glen Iris Medical Group

Make sure you ask to have any investigations/results copied in to your treating Doctors

Historically patients saw one general practitioner (GP) for most of their life. Now, patients may see more than one GP. Sometimes it may be convenient for patients to see one GP close to work and another close to home. Some people reside in more than one location during the year and see a different GP in each place. Whatever the reason, it is invaluable for all treating GPs and other relevant doctors to receive copies of any results of investigations that may ensue from each consultation.

Shingles vaccine, Zostavax

Glen Iris Medical Group

The risk of shingles in Australia has doubled between 2000 and 2010.Shingles will often cause a painful, debilitating illness with extensive skin lesions, and the possibility of long term nerve damage. About 30% of people with shingles develop Post herpetic neuralgia, defined as significant pain lasting more than 3 months after shingles.

The shingles vaccine has been recommended by Australian Immunisation authorities since 2009, but the vaccine has rarely been available, so we did not promote it until now, when it is readily available.

Falling Immunisation rates

Glen Iris Medical Group

Falling Immunisation rates. (The Age article 12.2.14)

Quote: “A swath of inner-city, affluent Melbourne suburbs are falling below safe vaccination rates for children, leaving doctors worried about an increased risk of potentially fatal diseases…”

Dr Sharon Woolf provides a brief reflection on the impact of vaccination on common diseases.

I have been a GP in Glen Iris for the last 33 years, and I have witnessed the enormous benefit of our community vaccination programs.